

In my store you will find handmade objects and items, as well as floral arrangements, to brighten up your day, your living space and your soul. Delivery to Eiderstedt possible.


I exhibit my pictures and works of art in my gallery. Here you can browse at your leisure on Friday and Saturday afternoons. Would you like an individual appointment in my gallery? Then give me a call or write to me.


In my store you can order selected items – whether postcards, paintings, textiles, vases, prints or decorative items – everything will be delivered safely to your home.

Living truthfulness
This is the motto under which I approach all my creative activities. My love of nature, with all its facets, allows me to be happier and live more authentically.

Britta Schopf

I was born in the Dithmarscher Land. At twenty-five, I was a mother of two, learned the art of sewing and successfully ran a children’s fashion business in Munich, which I sold to study art in order to devote myself to it. So I worked with textiles for the body and the living space, with flowers for the house and garden. I got a taste of the film and photography industry, creating costumes and walls for stages and advertising.

And how I love being allowed to be more and more as nature created me. To give free rein to the creativity that lives within me, not to hold anything back in order to recognize predominantly joy and beauty. No one can avoid suffering.

Over the years, working with art, the emotional world crystallized. So my oeuvre is soaked in feelings, which in my opinion get far too little attention because the great fear comes between the feelings and the people in order to make itself important.

I enjoy working with different materials. I paint with oil paints, watercolors and acrylics, pencils and flowers. On paper, on canvas, on wood and textiles. I like to build small objects, emotionally pregnant objects that demand attention and for this reason I call them all “hanging feelings”. I embroider and crochet, I sew and shape. I am a woman.

So I collect objects that have been dropped, objects of transience and beauty. Objects such as bones, hair, wire and iron, plastic and paper, old books and magazines.

They are things that were once filled with energy, and I rebuild this energy into something new. A new era began for me with the KUNST – BLUMEN store in Tönning in 2021. But I can’t exist just for the flowers, so since 2022 there has also been a small gallery with the same name.